Wednesday, 19 October 2011

and in our spare time...

This week its been All Go for the choir cyclists. We got the train to Portadown on Saturday morning, and cycled to Oxford Island for lunch. I have to stress that the pace, and the craic is mighty. We'd just sat down to eat when the heaven's opened, which forced us to have pudding. After which, Robin had a good rummage in his bag and produced a bottle of Champagne, as it was his birthday! We sang a beautiful, full harmony rendition of Happy Birthday and the waitress was so impressed, she asked Are ye's a choir coz that was CLASS, so we sang it again!

After we'd sobered up we set off in the drizzle, and meandered our way through the lanes, Robin and Fiona veering off to gather sloes (obviously, for the sloe gin for our next trip..) and thanks again to all who didn't complain at my snails pace, apart from one of the basses, who just couldn't BELIEVE I was so slow...  I rather suspect that Robin is getting a bit competitive, because he's fitted a huge horn on his bike - and said it was to compete with my bell. Hmm. My bell is a big bass bell. Possibly to make up for the fact I'm so slow..

                                                      Robin's horn (clearly, cheating)

                       and the Big Bass Bell. I think he borrowed that horn off his new car...!

A reminder that its time to get your Christmas Spirit into gear... Here's Santa Soprano with a couple of helpers from last year..

                                                       The long and the short of it....
is that we need a few more volunteers on Tuesday afternoons, to help with the Phil Kids. As you can see, we come in all shapes and sizes, and the more the merrier. If you're available, do come along, its great to see the kids progressing, and their enthusiasm is a joy. Not to mention, the enthusiasm of the volunteers too!

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